
Welcome to our first #MentalWealthChallenge

Designed to encourage youth to monitor and actively work on their mental health goals during the summer months, we at Adolaize put together an awesome program with HUGE incentives, so please, keep scrolling for more information…


1. Create at least one therapy goal
(Provide verbal updates each session)
2. Parent must sign updated treatment plan
3. Attend at least 5 sessions (July & August)


1. Actively work on your therapy goal
(Provide verbal updates and complete HW )
2. Parent must sign updated treatment plan
3. Attend at least  6 sessions (July & August)

1. Create at least one therapy goal
(Provide verbal updates, HW, & complete Adolescent Almanac pages)
2. Parent must sign updated treatment plan
3. Attend at least 7 sessions (July & August)

You may earn one raffle ticket per session for a chance to win one of the following prizes:

Speak with your therapist for more information…